
domingo, 5 de febrero de 2012


      Jorge Luis Granados Lopez is my nephew and he is eighteen years old. He has studied Kinder Garden and School. Nowadays, he is studying in Don  Bosco high school. When he was four years old, he had problems in order to adapt in kinder garden because his bad behavior, so that he changed Kinder Garden one time. He was hyperactive and naughty.
   In his house he was playing games and acting as he were a hero, so that he was running and jumping pretending he was flying. At the age of seven years old he climbed to the closet and jump on the bed ,he said that he really could fly .Thanks God, he did not hurt himself because he did not jump on the floor. When he visited to my mother and my father, everyone in the house were happy and worried to see him. However, we had to be very careful in what he was doing inside and outside the house. Until 10 years old, he could control a little bit more his behavior.

      At school, he did not have a good performance because he was interested in making jokes and talk with friends. He did not have the responsibility in order to study and accomplish goals for his future. Until the age of thirteen years old, he was becoming more interested in study. Everyone in the family was trying to help him in order to develop that interest. I would like to say that it was not easy to correct him and getting more involved in this. We knew that it would help him to be better person and professional in the future. Two years later, he started high school at Don Bosco. He was interested to learn more because he already knew the education was better than the one he had studied before.

     The physical changes were not so notorious until he was thirteen and fourteen years old . These physical changes were the following: voice changed, he became taller so quickly , facial hair, broadening of shoulders, and muscular development. I would say, the physical of the theory was almost the same because according to the theory teeangers usually the growth spurt at 12 or 13 years old (page,416). The only difference that I could find is that his body growth from thirteen to seventeen years old  because according to the theory it occurs from ten and a half to sixteen years old (page, 415).

    He started the puberty at the age of twelve, his behavior turns into aggressive. He was yelling to others, especially when he wanted something like clothes and money. He did not like to pay attention to advices and anything that could refer to his behavior. Sometimes, his mother wanted to tell him something related to the school, but he did not listen to her. In addition, his behavior was influenced by his friends. At that time his friends were a bad influence for him because they drank alcohol,and smoke tobacco. They had the same age as he was, fourteen years old. I tried to talk to him several times in order to understand his behavior, and I realized that he felt alone because my brother was not with him .My brother after graduated from UDB he got married, but I came to live in Jorgito’s  house in order to study in the same university. My brother was like a father for him, and he needed someone to talk to about “man things”.

      I consider the theory about cognitive development has almost the same with the cognitive development of my nephew.  As the theory mentions about adolescences behavior, my nephew was always arguing against my sister and sometimes against me. He thought he had the right in everything, and that the entire world was around him (page, 441). The theory mentions something that makes contrast with this case study because it mentions that boys tend to drop out school (page, 452). My nephew instead of drop out, he continue studying. Indeed, the influences and support of family members play an important role for teenagers, especially when they are trying to find their own identity.